
GPU Pro 1-5
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engel w ed gpu pro 1 advanced rendering techniques

engel w ed gpu pro 2 advanced rendering techniques

engel w ed gpu pro 3 advanced rendering techniques

engel w ed gpu pro 4 advanced rendering techniques

engel w ed gpu pro 5 advanced rendering techniques

GPU Pro 系列是实时图形渲染领域内一个强大的竞争者。在这一领域,技术以惊人的速度发展,解锁新的和更好的渲染技术。GPU Pro 提供了对这些新技术惊人的洞察力,专门为不同的作者编写的特定的技术。所有的作者都是领域内的佼佼者。

The GPU Pro series remains a strong contender within the field of real-time graphics rendering. In this field, technology evolves at a staggering pace, unlocking new and better rendering techniques. GPU Pro 5 offers awesome insight on these new techniques. As with its predecessors, the book is divided into a set of major sections: rendering, lighting & shading, image space, mobile devices, 3D engine design, and compute. Each of these sections are filled with different chapters dedicated to specific techniques written by various authors . All the authors are renown and credible within the field.


标签: 杂志 游戏开发 教程
分类:资源 > 期刊杂志 > 期刊杂志:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2015/11/4 17:49:13 | 更新时间:2015/11/4 17:49:13

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