
Amapi Pro
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Amapi Pro 7.5.2

Amapi Pro v7.52 + serial

一款创新的3D草图,概念设计工具,CAD系统的伴侣。提供了与众不同的3D模型的环境,可进行灵活快速的3D建模,提供了高端的曲面建模功能。Eovia Amapi pro支持polymesh surface distortion, keyframe NURBS 等功能,可以创建出一些在3d游戏中常见的效果如粒子运动,爆炸,和冲撞等。

还拥有强大的 NURBS 引擎,提供了所有高级的设计工具,设计师可通过 Amapi Pro 提供的工具灵活自由的各种创建高精度的结构和3D模型。另外,Amapi Pro 还整合了 Carrara Studio 的渲染模块,提供了真实的照片级高精度预览和渲染效果。

Amapi Pro

Amapi Pro offers a unique environment for the conception and creation of high-end 3D models for use by product designers, architects and advanced 3D modelers. Amapi Pro is a flexible and fast 3D modeler, with a user interface recognized as being the most creative in the industry, unequaled in its efficiency at drawing in the 3D space. Filled with high-end NURBS modeling features, Amapi Pro lets you create and edit complex surfaces and volumes and offers a rich tool palette to conceive and invent detailed conceptual designs. Amapi Pro communicates on all levels with engineering departments and manufacturing production tools, and is a perfectly integrated component of the design process.


标签: 建模 软件 概念 设计
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 软件资源:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2015/11/12 20:09:22 | 更新时间:2015/11/12 20:09:22

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