
Substance Source - Signature Materials by Daniel Thiger
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Substance Source - Signature Materials by Daniel Thiger

Daniel Thiger 创造的15个Substance真实材质源文件。我喜欢创造一些照片真实感的材质。 从3D扫描获得的数据为我(和其他艺术家)提供了在形状,漫反射,粗糙度和法线方面找到细微差别的机会。 我尽可能地将我的Substance材质贴近现实生活。

Daniel Thiger: I like the challenge of creating something photorealistic. The data available from 3D scans provides me (and other artists) with the opportunity to find nuances in shape, diffuse, roughness, and normals. I find it inspiring to try to match my Substance textures as closely as I possibly can to real-life examples.

During the creative process, the context of a material is extremely important. I always start with a certain environment in mind and then break down the different components within. It ensures that the created materials will offer flexibility for the user.


标签: 材质 贴图 纹理 素材 源文件
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > 材质贴图
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2018/3/16 17:48:06 | 更新时间:2018/3/16 18:01:49

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