
CG Cookie - Creature Modeling for Production Training DVD
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CG Cookie - Creature Modeling for Production Training DVD (blender教程)

CG Cookie-生物建模培训DVD(blender教程)

You will learn all that is needed to create a the final creature seen above. This includes how to use the skin modifier for quickly blocking out the form and how to use the new Dynamic Topology sculpting. You will learn how to retopologize your sculpt with clean topology that is animation friendly. And you will learn how to exquisitely present your model to impress the rest of the team, production higher-ups, and/or the internet at large.


Through this series you will get great insight into the real production process of a large studio. See and learn what it takes to make a high-quality model that is ready for a larger production. Your instructor, Kent, is a modeler at Reel FX, a production studio based in Dallas Texas and Santa Monica California.

通过这一系列教程,你将获得巨大的实际生产过程中的生产力。看看并学习如何为大项目制作高品质的模型。你的老师,肯特是Reel FX的一位模型师,Reel FX是一个总部设在达拉斯得克萨斯州和加利福尼亚州圣莫尼卡的制作工作室。


标签: 建模 教程 blender 生物 怪物 怪兽
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Blender
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2013/3/24 14:34:30 | 更新时间:2020/5/22 17:52:49

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