
Digital Tutors - Introduction to CAT in 3ds max
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Digital Tutors - Introduction to CAT in 3ds max

Digital Tutors - 3ds max的CAT介绍


在这组3ds Max教程中,我们将深入到3ds Max中的角色动画工具包插件。首先,我们将学习如何创建立使用CAT的标准多种预设。然后,我们将学习创建我们自己的预设的技巧和技术。还包括蒙皮,事后了解如何保存我们的rig为自定义预设。我们将学习CAT 的IK/ FK,并学习高效的动画技术。我们将深入研究CATMotion生成和编辑自动步行周期,最后课程探索CAT的肌肉系统,学习如何使用增强变形,以及如何添加效果更逼真的肌肉。


In this set of 3ds Max tutorials we will delve into 3ds Max's Character  Animation Toolkit plugin. We'll start by learning how to create a wide  variety of rigs instantly using CAT's standard rig presets. We'll then  learn tips and techniques for creating our own CAT rig. We also cover  skinning, and afterwards learn how to save our rig as a custom preset  with accessories. We'll learn about CAT IK/FK capabilities, and cover  efficient animation techniques. We'll delve into CATMotion to generate  and edit automated walk cycles, and finally conclude the course by  exploring CAT's muscle system, learning how it can be used to enhance  deformations, as well as how to add jiggle effects to the muscle for  more realism. By the end of the tutorial, you'll have the skillset to  use CAT confidently.




标签: 角色 绑定 cat 蒙皮 max 教程
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > 3Ds max
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/2/15 15:04:38 | 更新时间:2021/4/2 13:42:14

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