
CGCookie - Exclusive - Water and firestorm
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CGCookie - Exclusive - Water and firestorm

CGCookie - 独家教程 : 水和火墙


在这个系列的3ds max教程中我们会谈论水和火,准备一个有趣的教程关于海洋模拟和周围的火墙。

在水和火墙的视频中,我们将尝试创建一个在海面上的夜景,我们将准备使用HOT(Houdini Ocean Toolkit)插件,然后我们就开始着手准备基本的火焰设置,它会基于两层,一层使用对象发射器和FumeFX,第二层将使用 Particle Flow


In this series for 3ds max we will talk about water and fire, preparing an  interesting tutorials to work on ocean simulation and a firestorm all  around.

In Water and Firestorm video we’ll try to create a night scene over the  sea level with a firestorm all around. We’ll prepare the ocean level  using the HOT, (Houdini Ocean Toolkit), plug-in, then we’ll start  preparing the basic fire setup, it will be based on two layers, one done  using an object emitter and FumeFX, the second one will be done using  Particle Flow.

标签: 特效 教程 max 火焰 水面
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > 3Ds max
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2013/5/12 19:31:25 | 更新时间:2015/9/26 20:53:46

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