
Schoolism - Storyboarding for Feature Animation with Alessandra Sorrentino
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Schoolism - Storyboarding for Feature Animation with Alessandra Sorrentino


在规划电影项目,推销您的想法并最终将剧本带到大屏幕上时,故事板是一个基本过程。但是,要成为一名优秀的故事艺术家并从事动画长片工作,需要做些什么呢?加入故事艺术家和2D动画师亚历山德拉·索伦蒂诺(Alessandra Sorrentino),谈论故事板艺术,因为它适用于故事片动画,看看讲述故事的多种方式,并了解帮助导演传达他们的想法所需的工具。

在本课程中,Alessandra涵盖了广泛的主题,包括如何快速绘制,相机工作,不同类型的镜头,切割,相机移动,节拍板,清晰绘图,俯仰,舞台,如何引导眼睛,故事艺术家在工作室环境中的角色,如何建立你的投资组合等等,有大量的演示, 电视/电影研究,以及沿途要做的作业。因此,如果您对故事片动画的故事艺术家的职业感兴趣,本课程将教您执行服务于大局的想法所需的技术,并为您提供专业知识,以创建自己的故事,以充分发挥其潜力!


Storyboarding is a fundamental process when it comes to planning a film project, pitching your ideas, and ultimately bringing a script to the big screen. But what does it take to become a good story artist and work in feature animation? Join story artist and 2D animator, Alessandra Sorrentino, to talk about the art of storyboarding as it applies to feature animation, take a look at the many ways to tell a story, and go over the tools you'll need to help the Director convey their idea.

In this course, Alessandra covers a wide-range of topics including how to draw quickly, camera work, different types of shots, cutting, camera movements, beatboards, drawing with clarity, pitching, staging, how to lead the eye, the role of the story artist in a studio setting, how to build your portfolio and much more, with plenty of demos, TV/film studies, and engaging assignments to do along the way. So if you're interested in a career as a story artist for feature animation, this course will teach you the techniques you need to execute ideas that serve the bigger picture, and give you the know-how to create your own stories that express themselves at their full potential!

标签: 插画 手绘 绘画 教程 故事版 动画
分类:教程 > 2D教程 > 插画手绘
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2022/10/21 15:33:40 | 更新时间:2022/10/21 15:33:40

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