
Altair Compose
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Altair Compose 2022.3.0 Win64

Altair Compose 2023.0 Win64 SSQ

Altair Compose 2023.1 Win64

Altair Compose是一款多功能的编程环境,专为工程师设计,以解决复杂的数学、信号处理和控制系统设计问题。通过使用强大的内置函数库和开放式脚本语言,用户能够在一个统一的界面中执行高效的数据处理和分析任务。Compose支持多种数据格式,如CSV、Excel、MATLAB等,允许用户轻松地导入、导出和处理数据。

此外,Altair Compose与Altair Activate紧密集成,使得用户可以在单个环境中开发、测试和优化算法,然后将其应用到Activate的系统级模型中。通过这种方式,工程师可以在早期设计阶段获得关键的洞见,并优化系统性能。

Math, Programming, Data Analysis, and Visualization

Analyzing data, developing algorithms, or creating models - Altair Compose is designed to bring your ideas forward.

Altair Compose is an environment for doing math calculations, manipulating, and visualizing data, programming, and debugging scripts useful for repeated computations and process automation. Altair Compose allows users to perform a wide variety of math operations including linear algebra and matrix manipulations, statistics, differential equations, signal processing, control systems, polynomial fitting, and optimization.

The broad set of native CAE and test result readers accelerates system understanding and works with Altair Activate® to support model-based development, for multi-domain and system of systems simulations. Altair Embed® completes the model-based design portfolio with automated code generation, allowing for the testing and verification of embedded systems.


标签: 软件 编程 开发
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 软件资源:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/5/17 11:45:32 | 更新时间:2024/2/12 19:55:43

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