
BeatEdit for After Effects
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BeatEdit for After Effects v2.1.009 WinMac


BeatEdit 将更改您在 After Effects 中为音乐制作动画的方式。它会自动检测音乐曲目中的节拍,并允许您对它们执行任何您喜欢的操作:创建节拍标记、动画滑块、动画图层、重复关键帧等等。


  • 节拍检测:BeatEdit具有由波尔图(葡萄牙)和维多利亚(加拿大)的大学开发的高精度节拍检测器。这款节拍跟踪器超越了简单的峰值检测,结合了多种方法和大量专业知识,即使对于节拍不明显的歌曲,也能获得准确的结果。

  • 标记:将节拍可视化为合成中的标记。您还可以轻松复制、粘贴和移动标记。

  • 节拍摆动:无论您是想为滑块、2D 或 3D 图层制作动画,还是对素材进行时间重新映射,节拍摆动都能满足您的需求。无限的可能性,完全控制和大量的预设。它甚至支持节拍模式,因此动画在每个节拍的行为都不同。

  • 重复关键帧:BeatEdit 当然可以与节拍同步重复关键帧动画,但它还带有强大的连续模式,可以抵消每次重复,以便它准确地从前一个结束的地方开始。

  • 交错图层和关键帧:希望文本与节拍一起逐步显示,或者将关键帧与音乐同步?我们的交错功能是您最好的朋友!

  • 节拍选择:BeatEdit 可让您完全控制动画对哪些节拍做出反应 - 您可以选择仅选择每四个节拍、随机选择节拍或细分节拍。BeatEdit 甚至可以对音乐中其他与节奏相关的点做出反应,以创造更多的变化。


Auto-detect beats in a music track, wiggle to the beat, write markers, repeat keyframes, stagger layers, and more!

BeatEdit will change the way you animate to music in After Effects. It auto-detects beats in a music track and allows you to do anything you like with them: create beat markers, animate sliders, animate layers, repeat keyframes, and much more.


  • Beat Detection: BeatEdit features a highly accurate Beat Detector developed by universities in Porto (Portugal) and Victoria (Canada). This beat tracker goes way beyond simple peak detection, combining several methods and a great deal of expert knowledge to get accurate results, even with songs where the beat is not obvious.

  • Markers: Visualize beats as markers in your composition. You can also easily copy, paste and move markers.

  • Beat Wiggle: Whether you want to animate sliders, 2D or 3D layers or time-remap your footage – the beat wiggle does it all. Endless possibilities, full control and lots of presets. It even supports beat patterns, so the animation behaves differently for each beat.

  • Repeat Keyframes: BeatEdit can of course repeat your keyframed animations in sync with the beat, but it also comes with a powerful continuous mode which offsets each repetition, so that it starts exactly where the previous one ends.

  • Stagger Layers & Keyframes: Want your text to appear step by step with the beat, or sync your keyframes up to the music? Our stagger features are your best friends!

  • Beat Selection: BeatEdit gives you full control over which beats your animations react to - you can choose to select only every fourth beat, select beats randomly, or subdivide the beats. BeatEdit can even react to other rhythmically relevant points of your music to create even more variation.

标签: ae After Effects 插件 软件 工具 动画
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > After effects 插件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/7/3 10:03:13 | 更新时间:2023/7/3 10:07:57

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