
CGWorkshops - Hard Surface Character Modeling
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CGWorkshops - Hard Surface Character Modeling

CGWorkshops - 硬表面角色模型建模

如果你爱机器人,你不要错过这个教程,乔什 - 赫尔曼展示了他建模一个世界上最具代表性的超级英雄钢铁侠的教程,一共8周的 CGWorkshop 技巧和窍门。在Maya做主要工作。

If you love your robots and you missed this class the last few times  it's run, don't miss it this time! Marvel's Josh Herman demonstrates the  tips and tricks he's used to model one of the world's most iconic  superheroes in his Hard Surface Character Modelling 8 week CGWorkshop.  Working mainly in Maya, he'll take you through his process and give you  personal feed back on your own model, which you'll build alongside the  rest of your online class.

标签: 建模 教程 maya 3D
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Maya
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2013/8/27 20:43:46 | 更新时间:2015/9/7 23:05:19

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