
Faceform Wrap4D Track Node Rush
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Faceform Node 2023.10.1

Faceform Rush 2021.12.2

Faceform Track 2023.7.1

Faceform Wrap4D 2023.10.1


Faceform Wrap4D 是 Wrap 的扩展版本,专为 4D 处理而设计。 它采用一系列纹理 3D 扫描作为输入,并生成一系列具有一致拓扑的网格作为输出。

该解决方案包括 12 个新节点。 该管道的核心是 FacialWrapping 节点,它将 BlendWrapping 节点的功能与唇部和眼睑检测器的结果相结合。 该节点背后的想法是提供不需要清理的稳健结果。

Faceform Track

Faceform Track 是用于跟踪标记和检测面部特征的独立软件。 它将所有劳动密集型工作带入 2D 空间,这样您就不必清理 3D 模型。

表演期间皮肤的外观可能会发生巨大变化。 通过使用跟踪标记,甚至可以包装非常极端的表达式。 Faceform Track 提供通用和个性化的检测器来跟踪嘴唇和眼睑轮廓。 您可以通过给个性化检测器提供一组手动注释的框架来训练它,以达到极高的准确度。

Faceform Rush

每个帧可能需要几分钟的计算。 处理 4D 序列时,您有数千帧,这可能需要数周时间。

Faceform Rush 只需点击几下即可在数十台机器上运行计算。 您可以通过一个易于使用的界面停止、暂停、跟踪进度以及将不同的项目分配给不同的机器。

它与 Faceform Node 结合使用,Faceform Node 是一个无头计算节点,因此您无需为每台机器购买 Faceform Wrap4D 许可证。



Faceform Wrap4D is an extended version of Wrap designed specifically for 4D processing. It takes a sequence of textured 3D scans as an input and produces a sequence of meshes with a consitent topology as an output.

The solution includes 12 new nodes. At the heart of the pipeline is the FacialWrapping node which combines the power of the BlendWrapping node with the results from the lip and eyelid detector. The idea behind the node is to provide a robust result that doesn’t require cleanup.

Faceform Track

Faceform Track is stand-alone software for tracking markers and detecting facial features. It brings all the labor-intensive work into a 2D space so that you don’t have to cleanup models in 3D.

The appearance of skin can change drastically during a performance. By using tracking markers it makes it possible to wrap even very extreme expressions. Faceform Track provides generic and personalized detectors to track lip and eyelid contours. You can train a personalized detector by giving it a set of manualy annotated frames to achive an exeptional level of accuracy.

Faceform Rush

Each frame may take several minutes of computation. When processing 4D sequences you have thousands of frames, which may take weeks.

Faceform Rush allows running the computation on dozens of machines with just a few clicks. You can stop, pause, track progress, and assign different projects to different machines from a single easy-to-use interface.

It works in combination with Faceform Node, which is a headless computational node, so that you don’t need to buy a Faceform Wrap4D license for every machine.

标签: 人物 模型 捕捉 软件 工具
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 软件资源:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2024/1/3 20:50:37 | 更新时间:2024/1/3 21:08:27

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