
Building nodes - Blender add-on
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Building nodes - Blender add-on

这是 Blender 的一个附加组件,用于程序生成建筑物模型。  该过程由三个步骤组成:

创建面板。 这应该使用标准 Blender 工具来完成。

创造建筑风格。 有专门用于此节点树的编辑器。

创建将变成建筑物的基础网格。 它还应该使用标准 Blender 建模工具创建。

完成这些步骤后,可以将建筑样式应用于基础网格。 该附加组件将创建一座建筑物,而不是基础网格。 基础网格和建筑样式可以随时编辑,并且更改将立即应用。


This is a add-on for Blender for procedural generation of buildings. The work of the add-on is similar to panel housing construction. The process is composed of three steps:

Creating Panel. This should be done with standard Blender tools.

Creating building style. There is dedicated for this node tree editor.

Creating base mesh which will be turned into a building. It also should be created with standard Blender modeling tools.

After the steps, a building style can be applied to a base mesh. Instead of base mesh the add-on will create a building. Base mesh and building style can be edited any moment and changes will be applied at once.

标签: blender 插件 软件 建模 工具 建筑 生成 建筑自动生成插件
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > Blender及其插件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2024/2/27 17:46:58 | 更新时间:2024/2/27 17:52:46

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