
NIS Light Pack Ultimate
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NIS Light Pack Ultimate v1.1


Not Important Studio 精心设计了这款套装,为您的产品渲染和其他 Blender 场景注入了更生动的反射和真实感。该套装包含多达 50 种不同的光线塑造器,可提升渲染的真实感。

Not Important Studio 深深扎根于摄影和电影制作。创始人 Martin 从事奢侈品和美容摄影师工作已有 15 年,大约三年前转向 3D 工作。最初,他主要使用标准的 Blender 灯光,但这些灯光往往缺乏所需的真实感。在实体工作室中,他渴望更干净的灯光,而在 3D 设置中,他希望灯光看起来更生动、更破旧。这种矛盾导致了灯光套装的诞生。

我们精心拍摄了约 45 种不同光线塑造器的高动态范围图像,这些光线塑造器来自世界知名品牌,例如 Broncolor、Profoto 和 Chimera。然后将它们转换为基于发射的灯光,旨在在您的场景中投射出美丽的反射。它们不仅提供即时的真实感,而且基于着色器的灯光也经过精心设计,具有最大的灵活性


A creative tool to be more flexible in your lighting, bring more vividness to your scenes.


Not Important Studio has crafted this pack to infuse more vibrant reflections and sense of realism into your product renders and your other Blender scenes. The pack includes up to 50 distinct light shapers, elevating the realism of your renders.


Not Important Studio is deeply rooted in photography and filmmaking. Martin, the founder, has been a luxury and beauty photographer for 15 years before pivoting to 3D work around three years ago. Initially, he predominantly worked with the standard Blender lights, which often lacked the desired realism. In the physical studio, he yearned for cleaner lights, whereas, in his 3D settings, he wished for lights that appeared more lively and worn. This dichotomy led to the creation of the light pack.


We have meticulously photographed high dynamic range images of approximately 45 different light shapers from world-renowned brands such as Broncolor, Profoto, and Chimera. These were then transformed into emission-based lights, designed to cast beautiful reflections within your scenes. Not only do they provide immediate realism, but the shader-based lights have also been engineered for utmost flexibility

标签: blender 插件 软件 灯光 工具
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > Blender及其插件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2025/1/21 15:08:16 | 更新时间:2025/1/21 15:13:44

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