
Digital-Tutors - CPMP Projections in Photoshop and Maya
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Digital-Tutors - CPMP Projections in Photoshop and Maya

Digital-Tutors - 在Photoshop 和 Maya里创建全景matte painting


在本教程中,我们将创建并投影全景matte painting。我们首先拍摄处理我们的图像,用PtGui把它们拼接起来,用Maya和Nuke建立一个简单的自定义绑定相机。我们将在场景中创建所需的投影。然后,我们将建模所有的物体,提取元素,并在NUKE设置一个3D场景,我们将增加其他各种城市物体。在整个教程中,我们将学习许多不同的工具,用Photoshop,玛雅,PtGui和NUKE的matte painting工作流程,可以在自己的个人项目中使用同样的技术。


In this tutorial we will create and project a panoramic matte painting.  We will start by going over the process of understanding and working  with panoramic matte paintings using camera projections.

We  begin by shooting our plate, processing our images, stitching them with  PtGui and building a simple custom camera rig using Maya and NUKE. With  that we will create the required projections in the scene. Then we will  model all of the geometry required, extract the elements, and setup a 3D  scene inside NUKE.

We continue by adding in various other  objects and finishing with a cityscape. Over the whole tutorial we will  take a look at many different tools and techniques used with Photoshop,  Maya, PtGui & NUKE in a matte painting workflow, which can be used  in your own personal projects.

标签: 全景 后期 matte painting
分类:教程 > 2D教程 > Photoshop
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/2/22 20:38:19 | 更新时间:2015/9/9 23:01:18

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