
Max Cookie - Disassembling a creature with PFlow
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Max Cookie - Disassembling a creature with PFlow

Max Cookie - 用PFLOW分解一个角色

在这段3ds max教程中,我们将探讨使用粒子流分解一个生物角色的过程,渲染将使用Mental Ray来做。


In this video for 3ds max we’ll talk about mesh disassembling done using  Particle Flow, but this time we’ll focus on Particle Skinner modifier  and Data Operator to do it.


In Disassembling a creature with PFlow tutorial we’ll disassemble the  Abix character done by Pepeland using Particle Flow. To break it in  pieces we’ll use Particle Skinner modifier controller by particles  coming out from the character.

Basic idea is to have particles all over Abix and then have them flying  away in a procedural way. To select the particles flying away, we’ll use  a Data Operator that will check the emitter material color near every  single particles and using its value it will change the particle speed.  Emitter material will be controlled by an animated gradient ramp with  noise applied on so we’ll be able to select particles in a procedural  way. The selected particles will be sent to a new event to control  animation and flying away behaviour. Rendering will be done using Mental  Ray.


标签: 教程 特效 粒子 particle flow
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > 3Ds max
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/3/19 18:25:30 | 更新时间:2015/9/29 14:10:27

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