
Digital Tutors - Creating a Hard Surface Futuristic Soldier in ZBrush
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Digital Tutors - Creating a Hard Surface Futuristic Soldier in ZBrush

Digital Tutors - 在ZBrush创建一个硬表面风格的未来士兵


Throughout these lessons we will explore different techniques for creating hard surface details in the context of creating a futuristic soldier.

Part of the challenge of hard-surface sculpting in ZBrush is knowing which techniques to use to achieve the desired result. While this course is certainly not exhaustive of the different tools ZBrush provides, it does offer a look at how taking a diverse approach to mesh creation can pay dividends.

By the end of the training you will have a strong understanding of the importance of tackling any project with a varied tool kit, as this will give you the confidence to know that you will always know just the right tool for the job.

标签: 建模 教程 zb 角色 人物
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > ZBrush
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/7/12 22:14:51 | 更新时间:2015/9/1 17:34:48

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